Ikke siden 2014 har en lokal spiller vundet OktoberDisc. ÆDGK6100 har altid været repræsenteret på lead card, men sejren har klubben kigget længe efter. Rasmus Dilling ville det anderledes i år. Stabilt spil på begge baner banede vejen for sejren 2020 udgaven af OktoberDisc. Tillykke med sejren.
Spillermøde OD20
Grundet COVID-19 situationen har vi valgt at tage spillermødet online. Så er der også mere tid til at drikke kaffe lørdag morgen. Læs venligst nedenstående og se videoen nederst i opslaget. Husk også at få læst caddiebogen
Husk – vær klar på tee minimum 2 min inden tee-off.
Starup hede
Husk at grupperne rydder op efter os på heden. Dvs hver gruppe tager en kurv + teeskilt med tilbage til parkeringspladsen, når runden er slut.
Vær opmærksom på hundeluftere og andet godtfolk. De er ikke vant til disc golf på området.
Evt køer har førsteret. De kan dog overtales til at forlade greenen/fairway skulle dette blive nødvendigt. Til byboerne: Det er køer. De bider ikke.
08.00 Registrering og kaffe. Hvis du opfører dig pænt, får du også et rundstykke.
09.00 1. runde – 18 huller efter lodtrækning
12.30 Frokost i klubhuset (Kløften – det røde vandtårn)
13.45 2. runde – 18 huller efter seedning
NB: De sidste 9 huller under finalerunden i AM bliver filmet og vist på youtube (men ellers viser vi det ikke til nogen).
Umiddelbart efter 2. runder er der evt playoffs (hul 1-2-6)
Playoff MPO: om 1. pladsen
Playoff MA3: om 1.-5. pladserne (præmiepladserne)
Playoff FPO: om 1. pladsen
17.30 Præmieoverrækkelser
18.00 Aftensmad for alle
20.00 ÆDGK6100 opfordrer til almindelig uro og uorden i tårnet, indtil vi sender de tilbageblivende gæster på værtshus.
LIVE – Vi viser USDGC i klubhuset
Vi sælger øl/vand hele dagen. Til forskel fra tidligere år, så har vi hævet prisen til 10kr pr genstand. Vi tager kun mobilepay i år.
Gennemgang af banen
Æ Disc Golf Klub 6100 siger mange tak for støtten til vores klubsponsor – Discimport. Desværre har det i år ikke været muligt for Discimport at finde tid til at tage biksen med til OktoberDisc. Brug pengene i baren i stedet 😉
Vi opfordrer folk til at holde afstand til hinanden. Dette gælder før, under og efter runderne. Især opfordres folk til at holde afstand omkring spisesituationerne. Giv plads – der skulle være mad nok til alle.
Vær en god spritter! ÆDGK6100 sørger for, at der er sprit til rådighed til udvortes brug.
Lad hinandens discs være. Vi ved godt, at du er et flinkt menneske, men på lørdag må folk selv holde styr på deres plastik.
Der kan parkeres for enden af Fjordagervej. Herfra er der en kort gåtur til Starup hede. Følg stien og drej til venstre umiddelbart inden du når hedearealet. Så møder du en veloplagt TD og en kop kaffe.
Jens Rud er danmarksmester
Stort tillykke til Jens Rud med sin første DM titel. Stabilt spil over tre runder på en svær bane i Svinninge, under til tider svære forhold, sikrede ham sejren i MP40 rækken.
I de ander rækker var ÆDGK6100 repræsenteret ved Hjalte Jensen og Dennis Thygesen i MPO. Hjalte opnåede en flot 12. plads. I MP50 Blev Kenny Jacobsen nr 4. I MA2 havde vi to spillere med. Johannes Orbesen fik en runde på lead card lørdag og sluttede samlet som nr 16. Rasmus Dilling startede turneringen på første kort fredag morgen, og havde ikke fået trænet, eller i det hele taget set, banen inden start. En super sidste runde i par sendte ham i top 10. I MA3 var vi repræsenteret ved Mikkel Zeeb, der sluttede som nr 23.
Det var fedt at se så mange ÆDGK’ere til start ved et DM. Forhåbentligt bliver vi endnu flere til næste år. Tak til Svinninge disc golf forening for en god turnering.
DDGU har lagt små bidder fra turneringen på deres youtubekanal.
The Danish Disc Golf Guy kommer med post produced dækning senere – hellere i dag end i morgen.
Exquisite Women Profiled From Overseas Marriage Agencies
An international matrimony agency (or international relationship broker or perhaps international marital relationship agency) is an organization that aims to present people of different nations with regards to dating, marital relationship, or going out with correspondence. These marriages are typically arranged by a marriage agent who is usually based in united states, United Kingdom, or Australia. Marriage consultants generally employ professional matchmakers to search for potential candidates and bring them together by using a combination of communication and mentoring. https://elite-brides.com/cuban-brides Nevertheless , these matchmaking techniques usually are not exclusively utilized by these agencies. Many persons now use these types of matchmaking strategies to find their lifestyle partners in another country.
Various factors account for the rising demand for foreign-related marriage matchmaking companies. One thing is the raising globalization. With globalization, more businesses have their experditions across the world and, consequently, persons living in distinct regions of the earth are also beginning their exterior doors to one another. As a result, the need for domestic staff who can speak completely different languages quickly came up.
Another reason for the ever-increasing popularity of international relationship agencies is a increasing with regard to foreign companionship. With the deteriorating economic situation everywhere over the world, more expatriates are finding themselves with nothing much to try other than to consider love overseas. This is authorized by the increasing numbers of overseas learners who at this time study in another country. For the job-seeker, locating a foreign partner is much less difficult now than it was a few years back again.
Conceivably another reason why these kinds of agencies have become so popular happens because they offer great reputation and get many satisfied customers. A good reputation is important since the agencies are generally very careful in choosing their representatives and in screening individuals who wish to become members of their agencies. Good reputations are usually obtained through thorough background research in the potential candidate. A background check is conducted on the prospective employee or perhaps applicant to make sure that he or she would not have any kind of criminal records, is usually free from economical or personal debt and has a clean track record in the country where he desires to seek marriage.
Probably the most popular worldwide marriage companies today relies in Republic of colombia. This particular organization has divisions in twenty countries around the globe. The Colombia International Marriage Company was established by Christian Alznar, an American businessman, who had been effective for different businesses in Latin America. Through his work he had gained a good knowledge about the difficulties that both local and foreign masse were facing in terms of selecting partners. It had been through this kind of work that he developed the idea of starting an international marital relationship agency.
There are a number of explanations why more people are now applying an international marital life agency in search of a wife. One is the increasing fee of violence against females in developing countries. Even more brides coming from these countries are now future men from a different nation to look for marriage. Many are even arranging their marriages through submit order bride-to-be services.
One of the problems that most developing countries deal with may be the lack of task opportunities for women. Many women cannot afford to leave their homes to look for a spouse and have children. In many cases they may be forced to marry someone that they hardly find out, especially when that person comes from an alternate country. A defieicency of job chances has made existence very troublesome for many of those. But , through the assistance of international relationship agencies they are now able to fully understand their circumstances and can by least look for love towards a more respectable way.
Probably the most appealing facets of these international marriage agencies is the consumption of beautiful women profile pictures, that the women are available to people buying match. These women are then coached to look their best while continue to maintaining a sensation of confidence. Most of these women are naturally attractive and their picture shoots are just like a treat because of their fans. In this way beautiful girls profiled by these intercontinental marriage firms have the opportunity to participate someone’s life, even though it is really a temporary stage.
Important matters to Know Regarding Marriage Sites
Most people are not aware of the fact that free of cost marital life sites are available and provide a rich method of obtaining information. Now you can search the internet with the relevant keywords. Best places start searching is over the matrimonial sites. They provide you the complete fine detail about living partner you are looking for. They have as well done a lot of analysis and evaluation on the life companions that come by different walks of life and have come to these people through on the web matrimonial sources.
Various people even now think that these types of matrimonial sites are some sort of scams. People think that they may be a scam because they do not get what they covered. But in simple fact, they are certainly not scams and still have helped thousands of people find suitable lifestyle partners. These websites are not scams.
Now, let us discuss about right after between matrimonial sites and other websites. Matrimonial sites are entirely dedicated to helping people get their life partners. In contrast to other sites, they have a tendency just look at joining a site and planning on them to support you in finding your life spouse. In other sites, you will just waste your time because they will not answer your questions or perhaps won’t give you any specifics. But in matrimonial sites, it will be possible to ask certain questions, get specific answers and even get a detailed response.
If you want to find a suitable partner, then you can head to matrimonial sites and look for appropriate suits based on their age, religion, geographic site and so on. It is possible to search based on all these variables. But at times you may not obtain any suits and that is when you are able use the advanced search alternative in the matrimonial sites. You’ll have to pay a few fee to view this feature.
The advanced search option enables you to search based on different criteria. For instance, if you know that your soul mate is certainly from another type of state, you can specify this kind of while looking to get a matrimonial internet site. Similarly, in the event you know that your spouse is in the medical profession, you can even specify this and so forth. The search can return a listing of sites that meets your requirements.
Requisite interesting part of marriage sites is the fact there are certain lookup directories where you will be capable of getting the information regarding all the sites. These web directories also enable you to save your queries so that you will do not have to type in your particulars again. These directories are very useful specifically for those people who have a hard time looking for complements at matrimonial sites. One and only thing you will have to bear in mind is to add your nation of house and also add your city so that the google search are accurate.
Matrimonial sites can also help you understand the norms which might be followed by your spouse when you are discussing marriage. So , you will be able to comprehend where your lover is maneuvering with his/her existence. In case, you are disappointed with the current marital status, you can use the advanced search option to identify the exact data. It will also enable you to track the number of years your companion is in a relationship with you. Once you get to know the characters, you can then consider appropriate actions.
There are specific safety problems that you must likewise know about if you are using marital relationship sites. You must always be careful about the security adjustments and make sure that you will be safe while you are chatting with your companion. There have been umpteen click this over here now situations where people have fallen for frauds and emails mainly because they did not really pay attention to the safety options on the sites. So , it pays to give consideration.